In memoriam: Gerry FitzGerald

Barnet Liberal Democrats were saddened to learn of the passing of our former local party chair, Gerry FitzGerald, earlier this year.
Gerry was a dedicated supporter of the party. He worked tirelessly for the Lib Dems over 20 years and, prior to that, was an active supporter of the SDP in the 1980s. His most recent stint as local party chair saw him oversee important European elections (which we won) and a high-profile General Election against the backdrop of Brexit.
Gerry was a kind and decent man, with a passion for effecting change and seeing people treated fairly and well. He did this in every way possible: from manning street stalls and knocking on doors, to endless work behind the scenes stuffing envelopes and arranging leaflet deliveries. Many local members' first memories of Gerry will have been a friendly phone call, welcoming them to the party, and imploring them to help! Consequently, all who knew him were both fond of him, and in awe of his powers of persuasion.
The extent of Gerry's dedication for the party over so many years is hard to understate. He was an inspiration and a mentor for many in the party, particularly during the Brexit wars when we were suddenly and unexpectedly thrust into the limelight.
The local party extends its deepest sympathies to the FitzGeralds. We will cherish many happy memories of Gerry, wearing his beliefs and values on his sleeve. We are immensely grateful for the time we spent with him, and owe him a huge debt for his years of service to the local party and the liberal cause.